
Physical Therapy Blog

After treating over 25,000 patients, we’ve learned a lot. Our blog is aimed at sharing our physical therapy expertise to help people like you answer questions, prevent injury, or know when it is time to seek treatment.

What To Do If You Have a Pinched Nerve In Your Neck

Physical Therapy | 3 Comments

Do you feel like you have a pinched nerve in your neck?
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The Immediate Steps You Need to Take If You Were Hurt at Work

Accident Injuries, Work Injuries | 4 Comments

If you’ve been hurt at work, you need to take immediate steps to protect yourself.
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What To Expect After Hip Replacement Surgery

Physical Therapy, Joint | 0 Comments

Hip replacement surgery can sound scary, but it’s actually a very common and successful procedure. Do you know what to expect if you or someone you love has a hip replacement scheduled?
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Did You Get In An Accident at Work? Here Are the Benefits of Physical Therapy

Accident Injuries, Work Injuries | 0 Comments

Have you been injured in an accident at work? Are you spending your days struggling through tasks, only to lie awake at night in pain?
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Your Guide to Car Accident Treatment & Physical Therapy for Accidents

Physical Therapy, Accident Injuries | 1 Comment

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Parkinson’s Disease: Walking Struggles and Treatment Options

Physical Therapy | 4 Comments

If you’re one of the 60,000 Americans diagnosed with Parkinson’s or have a loved one suffering from this disease, then it’s likely you’ll want to know the treatment options available.
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What Does a Physical Therapist Do? Myths Debunked

Physical Therapy | 1 Comment

The physical therapy profession entails a lot of different roles, however, some people mistake physical therapist with an occupational therapist.
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Advice from a PT: All About Kinesio Tape

Physical Therapy, Sports Injuries, Muscle, Shoulder Injuries | 1 Comment

You know that weird tape you see on people who have sprained ankles or torn muscles? Yeah, that’s kinesio tape. It might look useless, but this tape actually is working harder than you think. Curious? You should be. After all, it can really save your back, knee, leg, or...
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What to Expect During Your First Physical Therapy Appointment

Physical Therapy | 0 Comments

Are you suffering from chronic lower back pain? Has this resulted in you having to miss a lot of work days?
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10 Ways Physical Therapy Can be Beneficial for Seniors

Physical Therapy | 2 Comments

Are you struggling to get around? Well, you’re not alone. Many senior citizens struggle with their mobility.
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6 Ways Physical Therapy Helps Back Pain

Physical Therapy, Back Pain | 3 Comments

Back pain is something that affects a huge number of Americans. 80% of Americans will experience an episode of lower back pain at some point in their lives. Have you heard of physical therapy?
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What are the Common Causes for Groin Injury When Playing Sports?

Sports Injuries | 1 Comment

Groin injuries aren’t at all uncommon in active people. Whether you’re a professional athlete or the parent of an adventurous child, it’s important to understand how to spot these injuries and what to do when they occur.
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